Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees - PARC
Optimizing value chains of the agricultural process by improving the farmers’ capacities
Solutions conducted structured interviews with managers and members of the seventeen benefiting cooperatives. A customized questionnaire was designed to focus on the cooperatives’ production, financial performance, administrative performance, marketing and sales activities. Following the questionnaire, capacity building sessions were conducted to capitalize on market opportunities and develop market linkages. The capacity assessment identified the 7 highest-profile cooperatives to benefit from the packing houses that were to be established in the next stage. The high-calibre cooperative members were appointed to run the packing houses.
In order to expand the exposure of the cooperatives’ products, Solutions and PARC had a mutual agreement on the necessity of conducting extended mentoring sessions with the selected cooperatives.
This project was financed by the Dutch Representative office to optimize the value chains of the agricultural process by improving the farmers’ ability to grade and sort products into different classes based on quality and consumer needs.